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The Art of Leu Family

192 pages, 24×28 cm, softcover


152 color images, 38 b&w images. 192 pages

With a unique approach, this colorful book illustrates the work of a creative family of artists from Switzerland. spanning the years 1953 to the present. Eva Aeppli the first wife of Jean Tinguely, was the artistic pioneer of the family. Her children are Felix Leu aka Don Feliz and Miriam Tinguely. Felix went on with his wife Loretta Leu aka Y Maria to raise a family, many of them artists who with their partners work in a wide variety of styles.

The collection contains selections from Eva Aeppli's life work. Don Feliz's surrealistic psychedelic art, the mandala art of Y Maria, works from Miriam Tinguely, Filip Leu, Titine K-Leu, Aia Leu, Tanina Munchkina, Aija S.F. Leu and some pieces by other members of the family.

Featuring an abundant diversity of art with drawings, etchings, watercolors, paintings and sculpture from the various artists in this family. Throughout the generations represented here there has been a tradition of collaborative works of art, and a selection of these are also included.

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