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Stoney Knows How (2nd edition)

160 pages, 22×28 cm, hardcover



Step into the world of carnival freaks… and meet a man who lived and loved it. Leonard “Stoney” St. Clair, associated himself with various sideshow acts, and bestowed his talents on any willing flesh. Alan Govenar retells Stoney’s story as it was told to him, accompanying his text with more than 150 amazing photographs of Stoney’s flash and his subjects . This fascinating book delves into this subject more than any other of its kind, with only the fictional tale The Elephant Man coming close in comparison. For designers, flash fans, tattoo artists, and even carnival enthusiasts alike, this classic book has been brought back in print to delight and inspire a whole new generation.

Size: 8 1/2″ x 11″ | 200 | 160 pp ISBN13: 9780764318320 | Binding: hard cover 


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