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Fabio Gargiulo - Looking for the Right Flow

180 pages, 21×29,7 cm, hardcover


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Waves studies by Fabio Gargiulo

"One of the most important elements in Japanese tattooing is the background, because a strong background helps subjects emphasize their prominence and value through the dynamics between perfectly harmonized lines and their backdrops. Among the main elements that makeup a Japanese background are clouds, wind, flames, rocks, water and vortices. In this book you will find my perspectives on Japanese waves and the links between their construction- examples of extension and cuts of the Horimono  tattoos. I will delve into the interaction of waves with subjects on various levels. The purpose of this book is not to provide templates, instead this book aims to inspire ideas; a starting point from which to develop your own style. All designs are protected by copyright and some of these have already been tattooed, however using them with discretion may be useful for developing your own projects."

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