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Chris Garver - Black Book

200 pages, 22×28,6 cm, hardcover, 1000 copies limited edition


For the last twenty-five years, Chris Garver has kept sketchbooks containing ideas and images for tattoos and paintings.

Many of the pages in this book are filled with a mix of ideas and styles, recent images alongside ones done decades ago. Loose stencils, sketches, and clippings pasted on top of existing drawings turned into collages without any rules or pre-planned concepts.

This book is a compilation of pages from several sketchbooks that span most of Chris’s career as an artist, and we’re pleased to share it with you.

“These pages were not originally intended for any eyes other than my own. The drawings include tattoo motifs, cartoons, and caricatures of people- some I know or encountered and some I've seen only in my imagination. In many cases, I created them only for my own amusement. Always having a sketchbook on hand allowed me to refine my skills and techniques. These books have served as a constant source of inspiration and a way to experiment with new ideas.” - Chris Garver

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